Director Identification Number (DIN)
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Director Identification Number (DIN)
DIN stands for Director Identification Number a number assigned to a director, which is issued by the Central Government to anyone who wishes to become a director or who is already a director of a firm. The notion of Director Identification Number (DIN) will be discussed in this article based on the following topics:
What Does Director Identification Number Mean? (DIN)
It’s an 8-digit, one-of-a-kind identifying number that’s good for a lifetime. The directors’ information is stored in a database using DIN.
Because a DIN is unique to a person, he only needs one even if he is a director in two or more firms. And if he leaves one firm and joins another, the same DIN will be valid there as well.
DIN is used.
Whenever a return, an application, or any other information relating to a company is filed under any legislation, the director signing the return, application, or information will include his DIN beneath his signature.
Procedure for Applying for DIN Numbers and Related Forms
SPICe Form:
- In the case of new firms, the application for allotment of DINs to the proposed first Directors must be made in SPICe form only.
DIR-3 Form:
- Anyone who wants to become a director of an already established firm must fill out eForm DIR-3 and apply for a DIN number.
Form DIR-6:
- Any changes to the directors’ personal information must be recorded on form DIR-6.
- The necessary forms must be submitted electronically in order to apply for a DIN. It must be digitally signed before being uploaded to the MCA21 website.

Documents to Include With the Forms
Attach evidence of identity and proof of address. Only once the form has been approved will a DIN be assigned to an applicant.
- Photographic
- Identity Proof
- Proof of residence
- Verification (Name, father’s name, current residence, date of birth, declaration text, and physical signature of the applicant) Foreign nationals must produce their passport as proof of identity.
- A Chartered Accountant, a Company Secretary, or a Cost Accountant in full-time practise must testify to the photograph, identity proof, and residence proof.
- Foreign nationals can get their documents attested by the Indian Embassy’s Consulate and a Foreign Public Notary.
- The applicant will pay the charge in the following window screen after uploading DIR-3 and accompanying documents. Net banking, credit card, or NEFT are all acceptable methods of payment. Payment by hand (offline) is not permitted.
DIN generation:
Notifying the company of the DIN:
For the DIR-6 form
Form DIR-6 must be submitted electronically to change any details contained in the DIR-3 form/ SPICe with respect to Directors. In addition to the form, an authenticated supporting document must be submitted.
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