Registration for Employee State Insurance (ESI)

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Registration for Employee State Insurance (ESI)

Employee State Insurance Scheme (ESIS) is a social security scheme for employees earning up to Rs. 21,000 per month. The fund is funded by a monthly contribution from both the company and the employee. State governments also contribute one eighth of the cost of Medical Benefits.

The insurance covers sickness, maternity, disablement, and death as a result of work-related injuries, as well as medical care for the insured employees and their families.

For businesses with ten or more employees, ESI is a must. Letz Manage professionals will assist you in becoming a member of the scheme.

Services We Provide

Document drafting
Filling out forms and submitting them to the authorities
ESI Code is issued
Follow-up that is documented
Expert Support during business hours

Who Should Purchase

Every person/entity that operates a store, office, or business with ten or more employees.

Documents Required To File ESI

Your registered office's rent agreement
A certificate from the property owner stating that there are no objections to the property.
Evidence of ownership
Certificate of Incorporation
Documents to back up your claim (if any)
Month-by-month employment position, salary, and so forth.

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FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions

ESI is a robust Social Security Scheme that protects employees from sickness, disability, and death as a result of work-related injuries and other events. The fund is self-sustaining, with monthly contributions from both the company and the employee. The money can be used to reimburse expenses related to the employee’s and his family’s health.


It is the employer’s legal duty to register the factory/establishment under the ESI Scheme within 15 days of its effective date.

When an employee starts insurable work, he must complete a Declaration Form (form1) and submit a family photo to the employer in duplicate.

The documents are then submitted to the ESI Branch Office by the employer.

The employee is given an insurance number, which is also used to identify him under the system. He is also given a three-month temporary identity card that allows him to get medical benefits for himself and his family.

He is then given a permanent photo identification card. In the event of a change of job, a person who has already registered does not need to re-register. The registration can be moved from one location to another.

The employee receives thorough medical care for the duration of his disability in order to regain his health and working capabilities.

He receives financial support to cover the loss of salary during his absence from work owing to illness, maternity, or an employment injury.

When necessary, provision of artificial limbs, hearing aids, and other medical devices as part of medical therapy.

The benefit of medical care is extended to his or her family members as well.

If an insured employee dies as a result of an occupational injury, the spouse, widowed mother, and children are entitled to Dependent Benefit.

There are a few advantages that an employer receives when he registers his company for Employee State Insurance.

The employer ensures that his employee is fully covered by ESIC, allowing him to focus on his task.

The company is no longer responsible for the employee’s and his family’s medical care.

The employer is not responsible for paying maternity benefits.

Under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, the employer is exempt from paying any compensation.

  1. The Scheme requires every entity with ten or more employees to register, whether it is a government agency, a public sector or private sector firm.
  2. If an employer intends to give benefits to his or her employees, he or she may apply for registration voluntarily.

You are not need to be present in person at any time during the process. Our professionals will handle the entire procedure. You only need to upload the required papers to the Letz Manage Encrypted Document vault, and the registration will be sent to you once the service is completed.

The full procedure usually takes a week. The process may take longer depending on the workload of the government department. Make sure you have all of the necessary documentation on hand so that we can complete the procedure as quickly as possible.

Employees who are eligible must contribute a total of 1.75 percent of their salaries (basic + allowances).

Registered employers must contribute 4.75 percent of their monthly salary (basic + allowances) to the ESI corpus.

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