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Trademark / Trade Mark /Trade-Mark

A Trademark is a sort of intellectual property that consists of a recognizable sign, design, or expression that distinguishes one source’s products or services from those of another, however service marks are most commonly used to distinguish services.

An individual, a Business Organization, or any other legal entity can hold a Trademark. It is found on packages, labels, vouchers. It is frequently posted on company Buildings for the benefit of Corporate identity. It is recognized as a form of intellectual property under the law.

Unlike patents, It does not have a definite limitation period. Where a patent expires in 20 years a Trademark can be renewed again for another 10 years, unlike patents. This can be done indefinitely, meaning that as long as you keep renewing it will not expire and will continue to be under the protection of the Act.

Only ONE trademark application can be filed online. Form TM-A drafting...
Only ONE trademark application can be filed online. Form TM-A drafting...
Online trademark application filing, Documented follow-up...
Your brand name or logo, which identifies your product or services...
Your brand name or logo, which identifies your product or services...
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